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Why consistent video content is becoming increasingly relevant for businesses in 2023

the importance of consistent video content for businesses continues to grow. With the increasing popularity of video as a powerful marketing tool, businesses that consistently produce engaging video content are likely to see a significant boost in their brand recognition and customer engagement. James Clarke Media can help produce engaging videos for you business and help reach new leads and scale up your business.

There are several reasons why video content is becoming increasingly relevant for businesses in 2023. Here are just a few:

Video is engaging: Video content has a unique ability to capture and hold people's attention. Whether it's for entertainment or education, people are drawn to video content in a way that they are not with other forms of media. By consistently producing high-quality video content, businesses can build a loyal following that engages with their content regularly.

Video is versatile: Video content can be used for a variety of purposes, from brand awareness to product demos to customer testimonials. Businesses can tailor their video content to reach different audiences and achieve different marketing objectives. Whether it's a short, snappy social media video or a longer-form explainer video, consistent video content can help businesses connect with their audience in a variety of ways.

Video is shareable: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are increasingly emphasising video content in their algorithms. This means that businesses that produce engaging video content are more likely to reach a wider audience and generate more shares, likes, and comments. By consistently producing high-quality video content, businesses can harness the power of social media to grow their brand and engage with customers.

Video builds trust: In an increasingly digital world, people are skeptical of businesses they don't know. Video content can help businesses build trust with potential customers by showcasing their products, services, and company culture. By consistently producing video content that is informative, engaging, and authentic, businesses can foster a sense of trust and loyalty with their audience.

Video is measurable: Unlike some forms of marketing, video content is highly measurable. By tracking metrics like views, engagement, and shares, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their video content and make data-driven decisions about future content. Consistent video content allows businesses to refine their strategy and optimise their content to achieve their marketing goals.


Consistent video content is essential for businesses that want to stay relevant in 2023 and beyond. By leveraging the power of video, businesses can engage with their audience, build trust, and achieve their marketing objectives in a measurable way. As video continues to dominate the marketing landscape, businesses that fail to invest in consistent video content risk falling behind their competitors. If you have been thinking about stepping up your video content for your business, Contact us today to help showcase your business and build connections with customers.


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